SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Sept. 5, 2000
With the purchase of a 15,000-square-foot contract manufacturing building in the Amanecer Industrial Complex, Legacy Electronics relocates its headquarters and almost doubles in size from its previous 8,000-square-foot office park facility.
The move allows for the company's expansion and the investment of $3 million in surface-mount technology (SMT) manufacturing equipment, automated test equipment (ATE), sophisticated high-speed component and proprietary laser component marking equipment. Legacy Electronics is poised for what it considers is the next generation of SMT component manufacturing.
"Our investment means we now provide all surface mount assembly services," said Legacy Electronics President Jason Engle, "including BGA (ball grid array) and automated test services, such as PC 133 and DDR module testing, and high-speed TSOP handlers for component test and characterization. This is in addition to our existing manufacturing, design and engineering services. Our new Philips Gem platform parallel processing equipment, for example, provides us with three times the surface mount component placement per hour in the same floor space as with previous equipment, and with greater accuracy."
Legacy Electronics' Vice President of Engineering and Product Development, Ken Kledzik, stated, "We also added the Electrovert Aquastorm 100, a cleaning center and process that uses water-soluble flux in an automated, touchless environment. This provides much nicer PCB (printed circuit board) aesthetics for our customers, and reduces flux residue concerns. We've also hired additional senior engineering personnel."
"And we have additional openings at Legacy Electronics for technical positions, due to our rapid growth," added Engle.
Founded in 1993 and located among South Orange County, California's new high technology companies, Legacy Electronics is an electronics component contract manufacturing firm, specializing in the design, manufacture and test of high-speed memory modules, printed circuit boards, and other computer producs.
For more information on Legacy Electronics, contact us at 949/498-9600, call toll-free at 888/466-3853, or go to
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